Assess the impact of emerging technology, policy, and investments
Vehicle Technology Primer
We developed a prototype Vehicle Technology Primer (VTP) that helps guide Army investment in innovative propulsion and energy technologies, leveraging commercial investment and ensuring that Army investment flows first to technologies that have a robust roadmap to production. This tool has progressed from a proof of concept VTP, is currently under development as a prototype, with the goal to make a accesible, online database in the coming year.
Presentation on the VTP given at the 2023 SwRI LCA Transportation Symposium
Climate Report
In 2023 we developed a comprehensive guide to climate and environmental regulation and policy, past, present, and upcoming, to help guide decisions about how to work within this framework to minimize mission impact.
Climate Change is a National Security Priority
Climate change impacts the world and the way the US Military operates in it, both abroad and at home. Climate change:
threatens critical infrastructure;
increases global instability;
devalues U.S. leadership;
serves as a significant threat multiplier.
Climate effects impact our military readiness and climate change is currently threatening more than two-thirds of our critical operation infrastructure.
Download our paper "Climate Change is a National Security Priority"
Life Cycle Analysis
Developing Life Cycle Assessment Tools to Guide Sound Policy
Develop government-wide program to shrink our federal carbon footprint – Appropriations request for 2021 and possible coordination with American Energy Innovation Act
Partner with industry to make carbon reduction an immediate priority
A collaborative regulatory framework that incentivizes development and accelerates adoption of advanced carbon control technologies across all energy platforms.
Download our Life Cycle Assessment Paper
Life Cycle Assessment for Carbon Reduction
CCI co-hosted, with the Alliance for Vehicle Efficiency, the first Life Cycle Analysis Policy Council. Bringing together industry and regulatory leaders to chart the course on sound, effective life cycle analysis policies and actions. Discussion topics:
The need for Life Cycle policies
Where the federal government is heading on Life Cycle Analysis
How Life Cycle Analysis is viewed differently
Life Cycle Analysis in terms of national security